I am trying to find the translation of this sentence but it is kinda funky.

Au(x)quel(s) ne voulez-vous point ressembler?

do you know what it means in english?


Au means at the

quel means what,which
ne means not
voulez-vous means do you want or would you like

so is it asking which i don't like?

If the first word begins the sentence, it should be capitalized: "Au(s)quel(s)" = You scarcely (hardly) want to ressemble (look like) whom? OR Whom is it that you hardly want to look like?

When you are asking for a translation, be absolutely sure that you have the ENTIRE sentence, not just a partial.

Sra (aka Mme)

Yes, I can help you with that! The sentence you provided is in French. To translate it into English, we can break it down and find the meaning of each part:

"Au(x)quel(s)" - This is a combination of the preposition "au," which means "to the" or "at the," and the relative pronoun "quel(s)," which means "which" or "whom." The "(x)" in parentheses indicates that "quel(s)" can be singular or plural.

"ne voulez-vous point" - This is a negative construction in French. "Ne" is the negation particle, and "voulez-vous" is the inverted form of the verb "vouloir," which means "to want." "Point" is an archaic word that intensifies the negation, but it is not commonly used in modern French.

"ressembler" - This verb means "to resemble" or "to look like."

Putting it all together, the sentence can be translated as: "To whom/which do you not want to resemble?"

Keep in mind that the translation may vary depending on the specific context.