1)Which of the following sets of Dewey Decimal call numbers is in the correct order?

A. 100.1 BLU, 010.1 ABR, 004.15 KWA, 100.01 PRO
B. 004.15 KWA, 010.1 ABR, 100.01 PRO, 100.1 BLU
C. 010.1 ABR, 004.15 KWA, 100.01 PRO, 100.1 BLU
D. 100.01 PRO, 100.1 BLU, 010.1 ABR, 004.15 KWA

is it B?

2)Which of the following sets of Library of Congress call numbers is in the correct order?

A. PE205 .C253 1954, PH202 .H255 1965, PA 203 .B252 1971, P201 .A251 1977
B. P201 .A251 1977, PA 203 .B252 1971, PE205 .C253 1954, PH202 .H255 1965
C. PA 203 .B252 1971, P201 .A251 1977, PE205 .C253 1954, PH202 .H255 1965
D. P201 .A251 1977, PE205 .C253 1954, PH202 .H255 1965, PA 203 .B252 1971

is it B?

3)Scholarly journal articles are written:
A. By experts in a subject field
B. By reporters
C. By lower division college students
D. For a general audience

is it a?

4) strong search strategy for a search engine would include which of the following?

A. Using quotation marks, hyphens, and unique words
B. Entering one or two related words
C. Using several synonymous terms in the search
D. Reading all the hits from your first search

is it C?

I agree with you on 1 and 3. I cannot even read 2. I disagree with you on 4.

Thank you!! is 4 - B?


from http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/

If your text doesn't have that information, use what you find in the first link above.

thank you!! so the answer to 4 is a??

I agree

1) To determine the correct order of the Dewey Decimal call numbers, you need to understand the Dewey Decimal Classification system. The Dewey Decimal system categorizes books into different subjects and assigns them a numerical code. The numbers are organized in a hierarchical way, with the first few digits representing the broad subject category and the subsequent digits providing more specific information.

Looking at the options provided, you can see that each call number consists of a three-digit number followed by a decimal point and one or two more digits. The correct order will be based on the numerical value of the three-digit number. Let's compare the call numbers given in each option:

A. 100.1 BLU, 010.1 ABR, 004.15 KWA, 100.01 PRO
B. 004.15 KWA, 010.1 ABR, 100.01 PRO, 100.1 BLU
C. 010.1 ABR, 004.15 KWA, 100.01 PRO, 100.1 BLU
D. 100.01 PRO, 100.1 BLU, 010.1 ABR, 004.15 KWA

From the options, we can see that option B starts with the smallest three-digit number, 004, and progresses in increasing order. So, option B is the correct order for the Dewey Decimal call numbers.

2) The Library of Congress (LOC) call numbers also follow a specific pattern. Unlike the Dewey Decimal system, LOC call numbers use a combination of letters and numbers to classify books. The letters indicate the subject area, and the numbers provide more specific information within that subject.

To determine the correct order of the LOC call numbers, you need to examine the options given:

A. PE205 .C253 1954, PH202 .H255 1965, PA 203 .B252 1971, P201 .A251 1977
B. P201 .A251 1977, PA 203 .B252 1971, PE205 .C253 1954, PH202 .H255 1965
C. PA 203 .B252 1971, P201 .A251 1977, PE205 .C253 1954, PH202 .H255 1965
D. P201 .A251 1977, PE205 .C253 1954, PH202 .H255 1965, PA 203 .B252 1971

In the LOC call numbers, the letters play a more significant role in determining the order than the numbers. Reviewing the options, you can see that option B starts with the alphabetically smallest letter, "A," and progresses in alphabetical order. So, option B is the correct order for the Library of Congress call numbers.

3) To determine which option accurately describes how scholarly journal articles are written, you need to understand the characteristics of scholarly articles. Scholarly journal articles are typically written by experts in a specific subject field. These experts are researchers, scholars, or professionals who have extensive knowledge and expertise in their respective fields.

Looking at the answer choices:

A. By experts in a subject field
B. By reporters
C. By lower division college students
D. For a general audience

Option A correctly states that scholarly journal articles are written by experts in a subject field. Therefore, option A is the correct answer choice.

4) A strong search strategy for a search engine involves using effective techniques to retrieve relevant results. Let's review the options:

A. Using quotation marks, hyphens, and unique words
B. Entering one or two related words
C. Using several synonymous terms in the search
D. Reading all the hits from your first search

Option A suggests using quotation marks, hyphens, and unique words. This is indeed a strong search strategy because using quotation marks around a specific phrase can help narrow down the search results, hyphens can be used to exclude specific words, and using unique words can improve the precision of the search.

Option B suggests entering one or two related words. While this can be a starting point, it may not yield precise results for more complex searches.

Option C suggests using several synonymous terms. This is also a strong search strategy because using different terms with similar meanings can help capture a wider range of relevant results.

Option D suggests reading all the hits from the first search. While it is essential to review the initial search results, it is not typically the most efficient or effective strategy to read through all of them.

Considering the options provided, option A, which advocates for using quotation marks, hyphens, and unique words, is the strongest search strategy.

Therefore, the correct answer is A.