10tan theta= .5+1/2costheta + 2sintheta

How do I simplify the right side of the equation.

Please use parentheses. I do not know what is on top and what is on bottom.

The right side is the demoninator, the numerator is 11.18 on the right side

To simplify the right side of the equation, we will combine like terms and use trigonometric identities if necessary. The right side of the equation is:

0.5 + 1/2cos(theta) + 2sin(theta)

Let's start by considering the term 1/2cos(theta). We know that cos(theta) can be written as sin(theta + π/2) due to the cofunction identity. So, we can rewrite 1/2cos(theta) as:

1/2cos(theta) = 1/2sin(theta + π/2)

Now, let's consider the term 2sin(theta). We can rewrite it using the double angle identity for sine, which states that sin(2θ) = 2sin(θ)cos(θ):

2sin(theta) = sin(2theta)/(2cos(theta))

So, the right side of the equation becomes:

0.5 + 1/2sin(theta + π/2) + sin(2theta)/(2cos(theta))

Now, we have simplified the right side of the equation by expressing both terms in terms of sine.