factor quadratic equation


10925 = 95 * 115


To factor a quadratic equation of the form "ax^2 + bx + c," start by looking for two numbers whose product is equal to "a x c" and whose sum is equal to "b."

In the given equation x^2 - 20x - 10,925, we have "a = 1," "b = -20," and "c = -10,925."

Now, we need to find two numbers that multiply to (-10,925) and add up to (-20).

The prime factorization of (-10,925) is (-5) x (-5) x (-13) x (67).

From these prime factors, we can choose two numbers, considering both positive and negative combinations, that add up to (-20).

The numbers we're looking for are "67" and "-13" since (-13) + (67) = (-20).

Next, we rewrite the quadratic equation using these two numbers:

x^2 - 13x + 67x - 10,925.

Then, we group the terms and factor them:

x(x - 13) + 67(x - 13).

Now, we notice that there is a common factor, (x - 13), which we can pull out:

(x - 13)(x + 67).

Therefore, the factored form of the quadratic equation x^2 - 20x - 10,925 is (x - 13)(x + 67).