the favorite foods of a selected group of 5 year olds. A total 5,280 childern were polled. How many children chose pizza? 40% were pizza, pasta 30%, cheese 12%, french fries 14% undecided 4%

5,280 * .4 = ?

To find out how many children chose pizza, you first need to calculate what percentage of the 5,280 children polled represents the number of children who chose pizza.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of children who chose pizza
The first step is to determine the percentage of children who chose pizza. From the given information, it is stated that 40% of the children selected pizza.

To calculate the number of children who chose pizza, multiply the percentage by the total number of children:
40% * 5,280 children = 0.40 * 5,280 = 2,112 children

Therefore, 2,112 children chose pizza.