5. Is it true that when you lift weights your muscles get bigger from more muscle cells?

Yes, it is true that lifting weights can lead to an increase in muscle size, and this is primarily due to an increase in the size of individual muscle cells.

When you lift weights or engage in resistance training, it creates microscopic damage to your muscle fibers. This damage triggers a response from your body to repair and adapt the muscles to handle future demands.

During the repair process, the damaged muscle fibers are healed and protein synthesis is stimulated, which leads to the growth and enlargement of individual muscle cells, known as hypertrophy. This results in an increase in muscle size and strength over time.

In order to get a more accurate understanding of the process and the science behind it, you may refer to scientific research studies, textbooks, or consult with qualified fitness professionals or experts in the field of exercise physiology. They can provide more detailed and specific information on the topic.