what is meant by the statement that trading is extremely faddish?

When a statement describes trading as extremely faddish, it means that trading, particularly in financial markets, is susceptible to trends, fads, and widespread popularity of certain investment strategies or assets. This phenomenon is often driven by factors such as market sentiment, investor behavior, and the influence of news or social media.

To better understand why trading is considered faddish, let's break it down into a few points:

1. Market sentiment: Financial markets are driven by the collective actions and emotions of traders and investors. When positive sentiment prevails, people tend to follow the prevailing trend, leading to a surge in demand for specific stocks, commodities, or other assets. This herd mentality can create a faddish behavior.

2. Investor behavior: Humans have a tendency to seek the path of least resistance and often make investment decisions based on recent successes of others. If a particular trading strategy or asset has delivered significant gains for a few investors, others may flock to emulate their success, causing the fad to grow.

3. Influence of news and media: News outlets and social media platforms exert a considerable influence on trading behavior. Prominent coverage or recommendations of specific stocks or investing approaches can quickly catch the attention of a broad audience, leading to a rush of investments into those trends. This amplification effect further reinforces the faddish nature of trading.

To summarize, trading being described as extremely faddish means that it is characterized by the tendency for investors to chase trends and follow popular strategies or assets. This behavior is driven by market sentiment, investor behavior, and the influence of news and media. Understanding these factors can help traders and investors navigate the markets more effectively.