All of the following are equilavent to

3:8 = x:32 except


I'll be glad to check your answer.

the last one

To determine which of the statements are not equivalent to 3:8 = x:32, we need to first understand what it means when two ratios are equivalent.

When two ratios are equivalent, it means that they represent the same relationship between quantities. In simple terms, the two ratios can be multiplied by the same number to obtain equal values.

To solve the original equation 3:8 = x:32, we set up a proportion:

3/8 = x/32

To find the value of x, we cross-multiply and solve for x:

3 * 32 = 8 * x
96 = 8x
x = 12

Now, we can apply this value of x to each of the given statements to see if they produce the same ratio as the original equation.

1. 8:3 = 32:x
Plugging in x = 12, we get:
8:3 = 32:12
This statement is not equivalent to the original equation.

2. 3:8 = 8:32
Plugging in x = 12, we get:
3:8 = 8:32
This statement is equivalent to the original equation.

3. x:8 = 3:32
Plugging in x = 12, we get:
12:8 = 3:32
This statement is not equivalent to the original equation.

4. 8:32 = 3:x
Plugging in x = 12, we get:
8:32 = 3:12
This statement is not equivalent to the original equation.

Therefore, the statement that is not equivalent to 3:8 = x:32 is 8:3 = 32:x.