I still have a doubt, Could you check this sentence, please?

1) I think it would be best if our science department (head??) teacher would get in touch with you directly so that you can discuss every detail before drawing up the project.

It would be best if our lead science teacher speaks with you directly to discuss all the details before drawing up the project.

I think the "would be" and "if" conditional require the subjunctive "spoke", but that seems to be falling out of use these days.

Certainly! I would be happy to help you with that sentence.

The sentence you provided is grammatically correct, but it contains a question mark after "head." To determine if "head" is the correct word to use in this context, we would need to understand the intended meaning.

If you intended to ask whether "head" is the appropriate term for the teacher in charge of the science department, then the sentence should be rephrased as a question, such as:

"Is 'head' the correct term to use for the teacher in charge of our science department?"

However, if you intended to replace the question mark with the word "teacher," the corrected sentence would be:

"I think it would be best if our science department head would get in touch with you directly so that you can discuss every detail before drawing up the project."

In either case, it's important to clarify the intended meaning to make sure the sentence is accurate.