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Imagine you have decided to price scones at $2.28 each and the cookies at $1.19 each. How much total revenue would result from selling all the scones and cookies baked in the oven at one time?

How many scones and cookies have you baked?

Two baking sheets with 12 scones each

Two baking sheets with 20 cookies each and one baking sheet with 2 scones and 10 cookies.

To calculate the total revenue from selling all the scones and cookies, we need to know the quantity of each item sold. The given prices are $2.28 for scones and $1.19 for cookies, but we do not have the quantities.

Let's say you baked 10 scones and 20 cookies. To calculate the revenue from selling the scones, multiply the price of each scone ($2.28) by the quantity of scones (10). So, the revenue from selling scones would be 10 * $2.28.

Revenue from selling scones = Quantity of scones * Price per scone

Revenue from selling scones = 10 * $2.28 = $22.80

Similarly, to calculate the revenue from selling the cookies, multiply the price of each cookie ($1.19) by the quantity of cookies (20). So, the revenue from selling cookies would be 20 * $1.19.

Revenue from selling cookies = Quantity of cookies * Price per cookie

Revenue from selling cookies = 20 * $1.19 = $23.80

To find the total revenue from selling all the scones and cookies, add the revenue from selling scones and the revenue from selling cookies.

Total revenue = Revenue from selling scones + Revenue from selling cookies

Total revenue = $22.80 + $23.80 = $46.60

Therefore, if you baked 10 scones and 20 cookies, the total revenue from selling all of them would be $46.60.