So I'm in 7 grade and doing a science project. I have a question:

What does it mean when it says: RESEARCH?

I am required to have this on my board. Does it mean what I looked up to help me on this project?

Also, what does it mean when it says: DATA?
Do I just summarize what happened during and after the experiment?

What is the difference between the Data and the Results/ Analysis?


From a good dictionary, here are definitions for each word:

1. research = The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Tell where you looked.

2. data = Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis. Tell what you found.

3. analysis = Detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation. Tell how you did the experiment and what you found.


Great questions! Let me explain what research, data, and results/analysis mean and how they relate to your science project.

When it says "RESEARCH," it means finding and gathering information about your topic or experiment. Research involves looking up reliable sources such as books, scientific articles, or reputable websites to understand your topic better and learn about previous studies or experiments related to your project. It helps you gain knowledge and insights that will support your experiment and project.

For your science project board, you can mention the research you conducted by including a section where you summarize the key findings from the sources you used. Include any important facts or concepts that you learned and that helped you plan and carry out your project effectively.

Now, let's talk about "DATA." Data refers to the information you collect during your experiment. It can be quantitative data (numbers or measurements) or qualitative data (descriptions or observations). Data is specific and objective information that helps answer your research question or test your hypothesis. It can include measurements, observations, survey results, or any other relevant facts you gathered.

For your science project board, you should compile your data and present it in an organized manner. You can use tables, charts, graphs, or any visual representation that helps illustrate your findings accurately. Make sure to label and explain what each piece of data represents.

The difference between "DATA" and "RESULTS/ANALYSIS" lies in how you interpret and make sense of the data you collected. The results/analysis section involves analyzing and interpreting the data to draw conclusions and answer your research question or test your hypothesis. It's where you explain the patterns, trends, relationships, or significance of your data.

In this section, you can discuss any calculations or statistical analyses you performed on your data. You may also compare your results to your initial predictions or compare them with previous research findings if applicable. It's crucial to include scientific explanations, logical reasoning, and any limitations or uncertainties in your analysis.

So, to summarize, research involves gathering information about your topic, data refers to the information you collect during your experiment, and results/analysis is where you interpret the data and draw conclusions. Make sure to organize and present your data effectively on your science project board and explain your analysis and findings clearly.

Good luck with your science project! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.