How do you convert 25.0 mg/mL to cc?

You can't without knowing the mass.

or do you mean

How do you convert 25.0 mg/mL to mg/cc?

the mass is 225 lb

OK so you need to convert the mass of 225 lb to mg.

if we take 1 lb =454 g, or the conversion factor is 454 g lb^-1

then 225 lb is

225 lb x 454 g lb^-1

which in mg is

M = 225 lb x 454 g lb^-1 x 1000 mg g^-1

volume = mass/density

volume = M/(25.0 mg/mL)

To convert 25.0 mg/mL to cc (cubic centimeters), we need to know the density or specific gravity of the substance in question. Cubic centimeters (cc) is a unit of volume, while milligrams per milliliter (mg/mL) is a measure of concentration or density.

Without the specific gravity or density, it is not possible to directly convert mg/mL to cc. However, if you have the density of the substance, you can use the following formula:

Volume (in cc) = Mass (in mg) / Density (in mg/cc)

For example, let's assume the density of the substance is 1.2 mg/cc:

Volume (in cc) = 25.0 mg/mL / 1.2 mg/cc

By dividing 25.0 mg/mL by 1.2 mg/cc, you can find the volume in cc.