the other poster is Careless talk brings tragedy in wartime

i search google and it also come up


i think message is think before you speak because passing on message turn small thing to big thing

images used to convey message

soldiers, spy, train being destroyed

effectiveness of poster

it show real life situation and make people aware that they should put their effort in ww2 i think


Passing on messages about the troops could kill many men if the enemy heard these messages.

thank you ms. sue very much :)

You're very welcome, Mohammad.

The poster you mentioned, "Careless talk brings tragedy in wartime," is a message warning people about the consequences of speaking thoughtlessly during times of war. It aims to remind individuals to think before they speak, as passing on messages or gossip can have severe consequences and escalate small matters into big problems.

To find this poster on Google, you searched for the title of the poster, and it came up as a search result. Google is a powerful search engine that provides information from various sources on the internet. When searching for a specific topic or image, you can enter relevant keywords or the title to find relevant results.

The message of the poster appears to convey the idea that careless talk can cause harm and tragedy during wartime. It emphasizes the importance of considering the potential impact of our words and actions, especially during sensitive times. By transferring messages or engaging in casual conversation without being cautious, individuals may unintentionally contribute to worsening situations or endanger others.

The images used to convey this message include soldiers, spies, and a train being destroyed. These visuals aim to depict the harsh realities of war and the potential consequences of careless talk. Soldiers and spies represent the individuals directly involved in conflicts, while the train being destroyed likely symbolizes the impact that careless information can have on military operations or civilian safety.

In terms of effectiveness, this poster seems to be impactful because it shows a real-life situation and helps make people aware of their role and responsibility during World War II. By illustrating the potential tragedies that can arise from casual or careless conversation, it aims to encourage individuals to be more mindful and responsible in their words and actions. Additionally, the visual elements used in the poster likely evoke emotional responses, making it more engaging and memorable for the audience.