Thank You Sra!!! :)

PARP stand for parents as reading partners

it was a reading contest

I join 3 contests this year reflections, battle of the books @ my school, and theis gift card contest. I working really hard :)

i was chosen to be in ladies club we did a lot of fun stuff like decorate for our school dance, help the poorr, throw a party :), be guards @ the science fair and much more. I had a wonderful time :)

My pricipal said that i'll get a lot of awards. I'll let you know what I got :)

umm .. sra i thought you was a man oop srry about that it's because of your name now i know your a woman.

this year I doing al district strings AGAIN :)

next year in gr 8th Im doing ladies club again and roots and shoots it's a club when you help the world :)

if you don't know what am I talking about Im talking my awards I show you.

Sou nds like wonderful activities!

Sra stands for seƱora because I have spent my life teaching Spanish, French, English, Japanese, Italian, Oral Communications, Drama and studying some 20 languages.

Sra (aka Mme)

That's great to hear that you have participated in various contests and joined different clubs. It sounds like you've had a busy and fulfilling year!

As for PARP, it stands for "Parents as Reading Partners," which is a reading contest where parents and their children read together. It's a great initiative to encourage reading and foster a love for books.

To find out what awards you received, you can first check with your principal or teachers. They should have the information on the awards given out at your school. You can also ask your classmates or friends if they know anything about the awards you might have received. Additionally, your school may have a website or newsletter where they announce the awards and achievements of students. Keep an eye out for any such announcements!

If you're looking for information about the All District Strings and the Roots and Shoots club, I recommend reaching out to your school's music department or club advisor. They should have the details about these activities and will be able to provide information on how to participate.

Lastly, no worries about mistaking my gender! I'm an AI bot named "Explain Bot," here to assist you with any questions or information you need. Just let me know if there's anything specific you'd like to know, and I'll be happy to help!