1. Which one of the following sentences contains an error in its verb?

A. Both Clara and Nathan is planning to attend.

B. Neither bananas nor squash was for sale.

C. Either footnotes or endnotes are acceptable.

D. Not only the players but also coach Jarvis was late for practice.

2.)Which one of the following is a correct example of the singular possessive case?

A. king's rights

B. audiences' reaction

C. women's club

D. who's job

3. Which one of the following words is an antonym of joyful?

A. Morose

B. Agitated

C. Passive

D. Garrulous

4. Which one of the following is a correct example of the plural possessive case?

A. woman's plans

B. it's place

C. stone's throw

D. men's plans

5. Concerning dictionaries and their proper use, which one of the following statements is most accurate?

A. A dictionary's word entry offers a fixed, permanent meaning.

B. A syllable is a unit of sound.

C. Formal usage of a word is considered colloquial.

D. Foreign words are not included in English dictionaries.

6. Choose the sentence in which the italicized pronoun agrees in number with its italicized antecedent or antecedents.

A. The waiter refilled their glasses as they emptied it.

B. Mary and Jill won't eat her vegetables.

C. Maureen called the children for his meal.

D. The boys want their dessert now.

7. Choose the sentence that has a subject complement.

A. The day ended with many surprises.

B. We can't leave without seeing her.

C. The nurse felt my pulse.

D. I felt much better.

8. Which one of the following sentences contains an incorrect usage of the singular possessive?

A. The north forty has always been my family's land.

B. The alpha male is often the pack's leader.

C. Icarus's fate was sealed when he approached the sun.

D. Mary was dominant among Jesus' disciples.

9. Choose the simple subject in the following sentence.
The tallest contestant won the prize.

A. won

B. tallest

C. contestant

D. prize

10. Which of the following is a correctly written compound word?

A. Quickly-running

B. Spur of the moment-decision

C. Thirty one

D. Self-evident


sorry number 5 is actually b. can someone please check all of them?

1. Which one of the following sentences contains an incorrect usage of the singular possessive?

A. Mary was dominant among Jesus' disciples.
B. The alpha male is often the pack's leader.
C. The north forty has always been my family's land.
D. Icarus's fate was sealed when he approached the sun.

Sam the answer is d I just took the exam. Hope I helped :)

The word Icarus's is supposed to be Icarus'

Anonymous 1 is correct.

1. To determine the correct answer for question 1, we need to identify the sentence that contains an error in its verb. Let's examine each sentence option:

A. "Both Clara and Nathan is planning to attend." The error here is that the verb should be "are" instead of "is" to agree with the plural subject "Both Clara and Nathan." The correct sentence should be "Both Clara and Nathan are planning to attend." Therefore, option A contains the error in its verb.

B. "Neither bananas nor squash was for sale." This sentence is correct because the singular verb "was" agrees with the singular subject "neither bananas nor squash."

C. "Either footnotes or endnotes are acceptable." This sentence is correct because the plural verb "are" agrees with the plural subject "either footnotes or endnotes."

D. "Not only the players but also coach Jarvis was late for practice." This sentence is correct because the singular verb "was" agrees with the singular subject "not only the players but also coach Jarvis."

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Both Clara and Nathan is planning to attend.

2. To identify the correct example of the singular possessive case in question 2:

A. "king's rights" - This is a correct example of the singular possessive case, indicating that the rights belong to the king.

B. "audiences' reaction" - This is a plural possessive case, indicating that the reaction belongs to multiple audiences.

C. "women's club" - This is a plural possessive case, indicating that the club belongs to multiple women.

D. "who's job" - This is a contraction of "who is" and not a possessive form. The correct spelling of the possessive form would be "whose job."

Therefore, the correct answer is A. king's rights.

3. To find the antonym of joyful in question 3:

A. Morose - This is an antonym of joyful, indicating a gloomy or sad mood.

B. Agitated - This is not an antonym of joyful. It means feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.

C. Passive - This is not an antonym of joyful. It means not active or not participating actively.

D. Garrulous - This is not an antonym of joyful. It means excessively talkative or chatty.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Morose.

4. To identify the correct example of the plural possessive case in question 4:

A. "woman's plans" - This is a singular possessive case, indicating that the plans belong to a single woman.

B. "it's place" - This is incorrect usage. "It's" should be the contraction of "it is," while the possessive form should be "its" without an apostrophe.

C. "stone's throw" - This is a singular possessive case, indicating that the throw belongs to a single stone.

D. "men's plans" - This is a correct example of the plural possessive case, indicating that the plans belong to multiple men.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. men's plans.

5. To identify the most accurate statement concerning dictionaries and their proper use in question 5:

A. "A dictionary's word entry offers a fixed, permanent meaning." - This statement is incorrect because dictionary definitions can change and evolve over time.

B. "A syllable is a unit of sound." - This statement is correct. A syllable is a unit of sound in a word.

C. "Formal usage of a word is considered colloquial." - This statement is incorrect. Formal usage is not considered colloquial, but rather more standard or proper.

D. "Foreign words are not included in English dictionaries." - This statement is incorrect. Many English dictionaries include foreign words and phrases.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. A syllable is a unit of sound.

6. To choose the sentence with an italicized pronoun that agrees in number with its antecedent in question 6:

A. "The waiter refilled their glasses as they emptied it." - The pronoun "their" is plural, while the antecedent "glasses" is also plural. However, the pronoun "it" should be singular to agree with the antecedent "glass." Therefore, this sentence does not have agreement in number.

B. "Mary and Jill won't eat her vegetables." - The pronoun "her" is singular, while the antecedent "Mary and Jill" is plural. Therefore, this sentence does not have agreement in number.

C. "Maureen called the children for his meal." - The pronoun "his" is singular, while the antecedent "children" is plural. Therefore, this sentence does not have agreement in number.

D. "The boys want their dessert now." - The pronoun "their" is plural, and the antecedent "boys" is also plural. Therefore, this sentence has agreement in number.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. The boys want their dessert now.

7. To identify the sentence that has a subject complement in question 7:

A. "The day ended with many surprises." - This sentence does not have a subject complement. "With many surprises" is a prepositional phrase modifying the verb "ended."

B. "We can't leave without seeing her." - This sentence does not have a subject complement. "Without seeing her" is a prepositional phrase modifying the verb "leave."

C. "The nurse felt my pulse." - This sentence does not have a subject complement. "My pulse" is the direct object of the verb "felt."

D. "I felt much better." - This sentence has a subject complement. "Much better" describes the subject "I" and is connected by the linking verb "felt."

Therefore, the correct answer is D. I felt much better.

8. To identify the sentence that contains an incorrect usage of the singular possessive in question 8:

A. "The north forty has always been my family's land." - This sentence has a correct usage of the singular possessive.

B. "The alpha male is often the pack's leader." - This sentence has a correct usage of the singular possessive.

C. "Icarus's fate was sealed when he approached the sun." - This sentence has a correct usage of the singular possessive.

D. "Mary was dominant among Jesus' disciples." - This sentence contains an incorrect usage of the singular possessive because it should be "Jesus's disciples" instead of "Jesus' disciples." When a singular noun ending in "s" forms the possessive, an apostrophe and an additional "s" should be added.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Mary was dominant among Jesus' disciples.

9. To choose the simple subject in the sentence "The tallest contestant won the prize" in question 9:

A. "won" - "Won" is the past tense verb in this sentence and not the subject.

B. "tallest" - "Tallest" is an adjective describing the subject but is not the subject itself.

C. "contestant" - "Contestant" is the simple subject in this sentence as it is the noun performing the action.

D. "prize" - "Prize" is the direct object in this sentence and not the subject.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. contestant.

10. To identify the correctly written compound word in question 10:

A. "Quickly-running" - This is not a correctly written compound word because there should be a hyphen between "quickly" and "running" to indicate that they are being used together as a compound adjective.

B. "Spur of the moment-decision" - This is not a correctly written compound word because there should be a hyphen between "spur of the moment" and "decision" to indicate that they are being used together as a compound noun.

C. "Thirty one" - This is not a compound word. It is a phrase indicating the number 31.

D. "Self-evident" - This is a correctly written compound word where "self" and "evident" are combined to form a single word.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Self-evident.