Much of the direct written evidence for the early period of the Zhou dynasty comes from inscriptions on

A. bamboo strips.
B. cups.
C. oracle bones.
D. the walls of the kings' palaces.


the walls of the kings palace

the ancient Egyptians regarded their kings as

I just took a test and c was the wrong answer.

I agree with your choice, C. Much of the direct written evidence for the early period of the Zhou dynasty comes from inscriptions on oracle bones.

To arrive at this answer, you can use a few strategies. First, you can eliminate options that are clearly incorrect. Bamboo strips and cups are less likely to have inscriptions related to historical records. Additionally, palace walls may have had some inscriptions, but they are less likely to provide specific information about the early period of the Zhou dynasty.

Next, you can consider the historical context. The Zhou dynasty, which lasted from the 11th century BCE to 256 BCE, was known for its use of divination through the interpretation of oracle bones. These bones, often made from tortoise shells or animal bones, were inscribed with questions and then heated, causing cracks. The interpretation of these cracks was used to provide answers from the ancestors or gods.

Given this historical context, it is clear that inscriptions on oracle bones would be a significant source of written evidence for the early period of the Zhou dynasty. Therefore, C. oracle bones is the most likely answer.