. Which of the following best describes these sentences from a welcome message?

Our company is pleased to welcome you as one of our valued customers. We are looking forward to receiving many more fine orders from you in the near future. We especially appreciate the size of your recent order.

(Points : 5)
Sincere and enthusiastic
Wordy and stuffy
Obviously sales-oriented

I'll be glad to comment on your answer.

To analyze and determine which description best fits these sentences from the welcome message, we need to carefully consider the language used and the overall tone conveyed.

1. Sincere and enthusiastic: The sentences do express a sense of sincerity and enthusiasm towards the customer. The use of phrases like "pleased to welcome you" and "looking forward to receiving many more fine orders" shows a positive and genuine attitude towards the customer.

2. Selfish-sounding: The sentences do not appear to be selfish-sounding. While the company does mention appreciating the size of the recent order, it is done in a positive way that acknowledges the value and importance of the customer.

3. Wordy and stuffy: The sentences are relatively concise and straightforward. There is no excessive use of complicated vocabulary or unnecessarily lengthy sentences, suggesting that they are not wordy or stuffy.

4. Obviously sales-oriented: While the sentences do mention appreciating the recent order, the overall tone is more about welcoming the customer and expressing excitement for future business. It does not come across as aggressively sales-oriented or pushy.

Based on the analysis, the best description for these sentences from the welcome message would be "Sincere and enthusiastic."