Explain how you can estimate to tell whether 433-147=286 is reasonable.

400 - 100 = 300

To estimate whether the subtraction problem 433 - 147 = 286 is reasonable, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Round the numbers
Round the original numbers to the nearest 10s or 100s to make the calculation easier. In this case, you can round 433 to 430 and 147 to 150.

Step 2: Perform the estimation
Subtract the rounded numbers: 430 - 150 = 280. This is an estimated value.

Step 3: Compare the estimated and actual values
Compare the estimated value of 280 with the actual value of 286. The difference between the estimated and actual value is 6.

Step 4: Determine if the difference is reasonable
Consider the proximity of the estimated and actual values. In this case, the difference of 6 between the estimated value and the actual value is small, indicating that the estimated answer of 280 is a reasonable approximation.

Therefore, based on the estimation, it is reasonable to conclude that the subtraction problem 433 - 147 equals approximately 286.

To estimate whether a subtraction problem like 433 - 147 = 286 is reasonable, you can use rounding. Here's how:

1. Round each number to the nearest hundred. In this case, you would round 433 to 400 and 147 to 100.

2. Perform the subtraction using the rounded numbers. 400 - 100 = 300.

3. Compare the estimated result (300) with the actual result (286). In this case, the estimated result is larger than the actual result, which means that the actual answer of 286 may not be reasonable based on the original numbers.

Since the estimated result is significantly larger than the actual result, it indicates that the original subtraction calculation of 433 - 147 = 286 may have been an error. Double-checking and re-calculating the problem is advised to ensure accuracy.