What website is when you can ask any questions and other people can answer it something besides YA like free lik jiskha but for people to ask random questions and them answering.

chacha OR wikianswers

somthing free not like making a account

There are several websites where you can ask questions and receive answers from other people apart from Yahoo Answers. One popular option is Quora.com. On Quora, you can ask any question on various topics, and other users can provide answers based on their knowledge and experiences.

To get started on Quora, follow these steps:

1. Visit the website: Go to www.quora.com on your web browser.
2. Sign up or log in: If you are new to Quora, create an account by clicking on the "Sign Up" button. You can sign up using your email or by linking your Google or Facebook account. If you already have an account, simply log in.
3. Search for questions: Once you're logged in, you can search for questions by typing keywords or topics of interest into the search bar at the top of the Quora homepage.
4. Ask a question: If you can't find a specific answer to your question, you can ask a new question by clicking on the "Add Question" button, which is usually located in the top-right corner of the page. Make sure to provide clear details and context to receive helpful responses.
5. Receive and provide answers: You can explore existing questions and read the answers given by Quora members. If you feel you have knowledge or expertise on a topic, you can also contribute by providing your own answers.

Remember, Quora is just one example of a platform where you can ask and answer questions. There are other similar websites available, such as Reddit's "AskReddit" community or Stack Exchange, which offers forums on specific subjects.