I have this assignment for ss that is due on monday.

Here it is (the assignment paper)

In 1492, Queen Isabella of Spain provided an Italian explorer and navigator, Christopher Columbus with 3 small ships the Nine, The Pinta, and the Santa Maria. She gave him a permission to search for a new all-water route to Far East. Columbus had convinced the Queen of Spain that he could get to India and China by sailing west.
How did Columbus persuade the Queen to give him money and ship? Imagine yourself as Christopher Columbus. Write a persuasive letter to Queen Isabella giving her the mayor seasons for sailing west. You must have THREE reasons and explain them (3 supporting details).

This is what I wrote so far

My most exalted Monarch - Your Majesty Queen Isabella
I am writing this letter most humbly for you to consider my request for three small ships and a crew so that I may sail west and find the shortest route to the East. I will present my reasons for my request.
First, it’s quicker to reach Asia by sailing west. As we know the earth is round. When I proposed to reach India by sailing west from Spain, I knew that the earth was round. I believed that sailing west would be quicker than going around Africa. I calculated the size of the earth and found that distance to Asia is shorter if you go west. I research and studied all the existing maps to prove my theory. We will be able to beat Portugal to the riches of Asia.
Furthermore, any people I find I will convert to Christianity.

I hope the reasons I have listed above will convince you to give me your support.

Your most grateful and respectful servant,
Christopher Columbus

I didn't write the 2nd and 3rd paragraph

here is the outtline

My most exalted Monarch - Your Majesty Queen Isabella
I am writing this letter most humbly for you to consider my request for three small ships and a crew so that I may sail west and find the shortest route to the East. I will present my reasons for my request.

sorry abiout that I CLICK ENTER by mistake

continued from my outline

First - (give a reason and 3 supporting deatils)
we did the first paragraph as a class all of us help each other to create the first prargraph.

Futhermore, (give a second reason and 3 supporting deatils)

Finally, (give a third reason and 3 supporting deatils)

I hope the reasons I have listed above will convince you to give me your support.

Your most grateful and respectful servant,
Christopher Columbus

My teacher gave us the outline.

Please help me I need a bit help for the 2nd and 3rd reason.

These can be your second and third points:

We will be able to beat Portugal to the riches of Asia.

Furthermore, any people I find I will convert to Christianity.

I know that (bottom) is my second reason but I need supporting deatils.

Plus thanks for the 3rd reasin but I think it's have to be deiffrent because that's was a supporting deatil for the first reason.

Did your teacher give you those last two sentences as part of the reason for sailing west?

It seems to me that there are three major points:

Sailing west is quicker than going around Africa.

Spain would beat Portugal.

Natives would be converted to Christianity -- to the glory of Spain!

God - speard christianity

gold - get rich by findong gold and other riches
glory - become famous

I got this from my handout we did in class today (1st period).

the first one we gave me I wrote about that already --- Sailing west is quicker than going around Africa.

I think I understand.

God, gold, and glory are the three reasons you're using to convince Queen Isabella. Right?

Think about why you want to convert the natives to Christianity.

What kind of riches, including gold, do you expect to find?

How would this voyage bring glory to Spain?

Ms. Sue that's not the three reason I can use those for one of the reasons. But anyways I'll ask my teacher about this tommrrow when I see her (I have her 1st period).

Bye Ms. Sue!!! :)

well as it say the letter is very accurate but as far as all i need its not enough i all of the work or else i will fail.

To complete your assignment, you need to provide two more supporting details in the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of your letter. Here's a suggested outline to help you:

Paragraph 2:
- Begin by expressing your commitment to spreading Christianity and expanding the influence of Spain.
- Explain how discovering new lands and spreading the Christian faith go hand in hand.
- Describe the potential for converting indigenous peoples to Christianity, highlighting the opportunity to save souls and gain new supporters for the kingdom.
- Emphasize the importance of spreading Christianity and the positive impact it could have on the reputation and power of Spain.

Paragraph 3:
- Focus on the potential economic benefits of finding a new route to the East.
- Mention the valuable resources, spices, and goods that can be obtained from the East.
- Discuss the existing trade routes controlled by Portugal and how finding a new route would allow Spain to bypass their monopoly.
- Highlight the potential for great wealth and economic growth for Spain through expanded trade with the East.

Remember to provide specific supporting details and explanations within each paragraph to strengthen your arguments. Good luck with your assignment!