what is the elapsed answer for 4:05pm to 8:45pm

8:45 - 4:05 = ?

that is right

To find the elapsed time between 4:05 PM and 8:45 PM, you need to calculate the difference between these two times.

Step 1: Convert both times to the same format
Both times are already in the PM format, so no conversion is necessary.

Step 2: Convert the times into a 24-hour format
4:05 PM in 24-hour format is 16:05, and 8:45 PM is 20:45.

Step 3: Calculate the difference
To find the elapsed time, subtract the starting time from the ending time. In this case, subtract 16:05 from 20:45.

- 16:05

Step 4: Interpret the result
The result is 04:40, which means the elapsed time between 4:05 PM and 8:45 PM is 4 hours and 40 minutes.