what kind of reforms were enacted in Germany and Britian?

To find out what kind of reforms were enacted in Germany and Britain, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Conduct Online Research: Start by researching the historical timeline of Germany and Britain to identify important periods when significant reforms took place. Look for specific policies, laws, or movements that brought about changes in these countries.

2. Review Historical Sources: Utilize reputable sources such as academic papers, books, and articles that discuss the political, social, and economic changes in Germany and Britain. Check for sources that focus on specific periods of reform or explore broader themes like social welfare, labor rights, or political systems.

3. Analyze Government Records: Reviewing official government records, such as parliamentary proceedings, legislative acts, or policy statements, can provide valuable insights into the specific reforms enacted in Germany and Britain. Look for sources that detail policy changes, the context behind the reforms, and the impact they had on society.

4. Consult Scholarly Publications: Consult scholarly journals and publications that specialize in political science, history, or social sciences. These sources often analyze and discuss various reforms in Germany and Britain, providing an in-depth understanding of their objectives, implementation, and consequences.

Keep in mind that the nature and extent of reforms can vary widely across different time periods and encompass multiple areas such as education, healthcare, labor rights, social welfare, voting rights, and more. Thus, it is essential to focus your search on specific timeframes and areas of interest to get a comprehensive understanding of the reforms enacted in Germany and Britain.