Here is the question ..

How did the Enlightenment contribute to the Industrial Revolution?
A) People used technology to create greater prosperity for all.
B) Reasoning was used to solve human problems.
C) Electricity used in the production of material goods.
D) People came to accept that each individual has value.

Enlightenment was the stressing of the importance of reason and using the scientific method. And the industrial revolution was basically manual labour being replaced by machine production.
Im pretty sure its not C or D , but I think A and B are true so im not sure which one to go with ! please help ! :)

I don't like A because most workers certainly didn't prosper.

That leaves B as the best answer.

I was kind of leaning towards that too ! thanks ! :)

You're welcome.

To determine how the Enlightenment contributed to the Industrial Revolution, let's break down each option and its relevance to the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution.

A) "People used technology to create greater prosperity for all": This statement aligns with the Enlightenment's emphasis on reason and the application of scientific knowledge to solve human problems. During the Enlightenment, thinkers like Francis Bacon and René Descartes promoted the idea of using reason and observation to develop new technologies and improve society. This focus on innovation and progress ultimately shaped the Industrial Revolution, as it led to the development of new machines and manufacturing processes that increased productivity and brought about economic growth. Therefore, option A is correct.

B) "Reasoning was used to solve human problems": As mentioned earlier, the Enlightenment placed great importance on reason as a tool for understanding and improving the world. The thinkers of this era, such as John Locke and Voltaire, championed the use of logic and critical thinking to address social, political, and economic issues. This emphasis on rationality and problem-solving directly influenced the Industrial Revolution. Engineers and inventors applied reason and scientific principles to develop new technologies, leading to advancements in industries such as textiles, iron, and steam power. Consequently, option B is also correct.

C) "Electricity used in the production of material goods": While electricity is an important aspect of the Industrial Revolution, especially during its later stages, it is not directly linked to the Enlightenment. The use of electricity in industry became significant in the 19th century, well after the Enlightenment period. Therefore, option C is not correct.

D) "People came to accept that each individual has value": This statement touches on ideas of human rights and individualism, which were indeed part of the broader Enlightenment movement. However, the direct impact of this belief on the Industrial Revolution is not clear-cut. While it can be argued that a focus on individual worth influenced social and political transformations during the Industrial Revolution, this option is not as directly related to the question at hand. Thus, option D is not the most accurate choice.

In conclusion, both options A and B are correct: the Enlightenment's emphasis on reason and scientific thinking played a significant role in the development of technology and the subsequent Industrial Revolution.