for the question like 2 days ago. About world war I and World war 2 announcement. I think I may be wrong because people were happy to go to ww1 they thought it be fun and easy money but ww2 they had to go no choice. they need to step out of depression only way to make money, ms. sue u please make my sentence proper my friend not come here today to edit my work and give me ideas.

People were happy to go to World War I because they thought it be fun and easy money. In World War II, the drafted military personnel had no choice. They also needed a job and for some it was the only way to make money.

I arabic ms. sue i say thank you to you in my langauge. Shukran!

You're very welcome, Mohammad.

Certainly! Here's a revised version of your sentence:

"I think I may be mistaken in my previous statement about people's attitudes towards World War I and World War II. It is commonly believed that during World War I, many individuals were excited to enlist as they thought it would be a thrilling and profitable experience. In contrast, for World War II, there was a greater sense of compulsion and obligation to serve, as people had no choice in the matter. During that time, joining the military was seen as a means to recover from the Great Depression and earn a living. Unfortunately, my friend couldn't come here today to edit my work and provide suggestions."