A man has a garden 10 meters square to fence. How many fence posts are needed if each post is 1 meter from the adjacent posts? Question says to show work.

Draw a diagram. What do you find?

To determine the number of fence posts needed, we can calculate the perimeter of the garden and then divide it by the spacing between the posts.

The perimeter of a square garden can be calculated by multiplying the length of one side by 4. In this case, the side length is 10 meters, so the perimeter is 10 meters * 4 = 40 meters.

To find the number of fence posts, we need to divide the perimeter by the spacing between each post. The spacing is given as 1 meter from each adjacent post, so we need to consider both the width and length of the garden.

For the width, we have a total of 10 meters. Since each post is 1 meter apart, there will be 9 gaps between them, including the start and end points. Therefore, the effective width is 10 meters + 9 gaps = 19 meters.

Similarly, for the length, we also have 19 meters because it is a square garden.

Now, multiplying the effective width and length together gives us the total number of posts required: 19 meters * 2 = 38 posts.

Therefore, in order to fence a 10-meter square garden with each post being 1 meter from the adjacent posts, you would need 38 fence posts.