Help arrange these elements in decreasing order of metallic property

I, Mg, Al, Rb, Ca

Left to right in periodic table less metallic. Top to bottom in periodic table more metallic.

Would this be right

Al, Mg, Ca, l, Rb

To arrange the elements in decreasing order of metallic property, you need to consider periodic trends, specifically the trend known as the "metallic character." Metallic character generally increases as you move down a group on the periodic table and decreases as you move across a period from left to right.

Here's how you can determine the order:

1. Start by comparing the elements in terms of their group numbers (vertical columns on the periodic table). The higher the group number, the greater the metallic character.

2. If two elements are in the same group, look at their atomic numbers. The higher the atomic number, the greater the metallic character.

Using the provided elements: I, Mg, Al, Rb, Ca

1. Iodine (I) is a non-metal and is found on the right side of the periodic table, so it has the least metallic character.

2. Magnesium (Mg) and aluminum (Al) are both located in group 2, but magnesium has a higher atomic number (12) than aluminum (13). Therefore, magnesium is more metallic than aluminum.

3. Rb (Rubidium) is in group 1, which is more metallic than group 2. Therefore, Rb has a higher metallic character than both magnesium and aluminum.

4. Calcium (Ca) is also in group 2 but has a higher atomic number (20) compared to magnesium (12). Therefore, calcium has a higher metallic character than magnesium.

Based on these comparisons, the elements arranged in decreasing order of metallic property are:
Rb, Ca, Mg, Al, I