1. 12/21=X/7, What's X=
2. 12/16=6/Z, What's Z=
3. 4/14=20/Y, What's Y=
4. 16/14=8/Z, what's Z=

I will do #3

If I understand the instructions , it would go like this
4/14 = 20/y
20/70 = 20/y
so y = 70

I hope that you are taught "cross-multiplying" soon
then 4y = 280
y = 70

I'll get you started.

1. 12/21=X/7

21/7 = 3
12/3 = 4

12/21 = 4/7

2. 12/16=6/Z = 3/4

I'll be glad to check your answers for the other two problems.

To solve these equations by using equivalent fractions, we need to cross-multiply. Here is how to solve each equation:

1. 12/21 = X/7
Cross-multiplying, we get 12 * 7 = 21 * X
84 = 21X
Dividing both sides by 21, we get X = 4

So, X = 4.

2. 12/16 = 6/Z
Cross-multiplying, we get 12 * Z = 16 * 6
12Z = 96
Dividing both sides by 12, we get Z = 8

So, Z = 8.

3. 4/14 = 20/Y
Cross-multiplying, we get 4 * Y = 14 * 20
4Y = 280
Dividing both sides by 4, we get Y = 70

So, Y = 70.

4. 16/14 = 8/Z
Cross-multiplying, we get 16 * Z = 14 * 8
16Z = 112
Dividing both sides by 16, we get Z = 7

So, Z = 7.

So, the solutions are:
1. X = 4
2. Z = 8
3. Y = 70
4. Z = 7