Which of the following statements about the Social Security Act is NOT true?

1. It was based on a progressive tax that took a larger percentage of higher incomes.

2. It provided old-age pensions.

3. It was, according to Roosevelt, the “supreme achievement” of the New Deal.

4. It committed the national government to a broad range of welfare activities.

5. It was a regressive tax that pinched the poor more than the rich.

I would confidently say



To determine which of the statements about the Social Security Act is NOT true, we can evaluate each statement individually.

Statement 1: "It was based on a progressive tax that took a larger percentage of higher incomes."
To verify the accuracy of this statement, we can examine the Social Security Act itself, as well as relevant historical documents and resources. By doing so, we can find that this statement is indeed true. The Social Security Act was financed through a progressive tax system, where higher-income individuals paid a larger percentage of their earnings into the Social Security program.

Statement 2: "It provided old-age pensions."
This statement is also true. The Social Security Act established the Old Age Insurance program, which provided monthly retirement benefits to eligible individuals who reached a certain age and contributed to the program throughout their working years.

Statement 3: "It was, according to Roosevelt, the 'supreme achievement' of the New Deal."
This statement is true as well. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who signed the Social Security Act into law, referred to it as the "supreme achievement" of the New Deal. This statement is supported by Roosevelt's own words and historical records.

Statement 4: "It committed the national government to a broad range of welfare activities."
This statement is true. The Social Security Act marked a significant expansion of the federal government's involvement in social welfare programs. It not only provided old-age pensions but also established programs such as unemployment insurance, aid to dependent children, and assistance to individuals with disabilities.

Statement 5: "It was a regressive tax that pinched the poor more than the rich."
To verify the accuracy of this statement, we would need to analyze the tax structure of the Social Security Act. Doing so would show us that this statement is not true. The Social Security tax is progressive, meaning that higher-income individuals pay a larger percentage of their earnings compared to lower-income individuals.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that statement 5, "It was a regressive tax that pinched the poor more than the rich," is the statement that is NOT true.

The statement that is NOT true is:

5. It was a regressive tax that pinched the poor more than the rich.

The Social Security Act was based on a progressive tax that took a larger percentage of higher incomes, not a regressive tax.