Are these correct the way I answered them?

1.Cuál es tu deporte favorito?
Mi deporte favorito es el béisbol.

2. Para ti, ¿el tenis es más interesante o menos interesante que el fútbol?

Para mi, el tenis es menos interesante que el fútbol.

3. Para ti, ¿cuál es el deporte más aburrido?

El golf es el deporte más aburrido.

4. Para tu hermano o hermana, ¿cuál es el deporte más divertido?

Para mi hermano, el deporte más divertido es el fútbol.

5. ¿Cuál es un pasatiempo muy divertido para ti?

Mi pasatiempo favorito es tocar la guitarra.

6.¿Remar es mejor o peor que navegar un bote de vela?

Remar es peor que navegar un bote de vela.

For both number 1 and 2, be sure mí has the mecessary accem\nt mark.

Otherwise ¡perfecto!


Thank you

Mi pasatiempo favorito es tocar la guitarra.

1. Yes, that is correct. The question asks about your favorite sport, and you answered "Mi deporte favorito es el béisbol" which means "My favorite sport is baseball."

2. Yes, that is correct. The question asks whether tennis is more or less interesting than football according to you, and you answered "Para mi, el tenis es menos interesante que el fútbol" which means "For me, tennis is less interesting than football."

3. Yes, that is correct. The question asks about the most boring sport according to you, and you answered "El golf es el deporte más aburrido" which means "Golf is the most boring sport."

4. Yes, that is correct. The question asks about the most fun sport according to your brother or sister, and you answered "Para mi hermano, el deporte más divertido es el fútbol" which means "For my brother, the most fun sport is football."

5. Yes, that is correct. The question asks about a very fun hobby for you, and you answered "Mi pasatiempo favorito es tocar la guitarra" which means "My favorite hobby is playing the guitar."

6. Yes, that is correct. The question asks whether rowing is better or worse than sailing a sailboat, and you answered "Remar es peor que navegar un bote de vela" which means "Rowing is worse than sailing a sailboat."