A sack of sand measures 21 kilograms and 714 grams,and a sack of yard clippings measures 7 kilograms and 192 grams. How much more does the sack of sand measure than the sack of yard clippings?

21 - 7 = ?

714 - 192 = ?

14, 522

14 kg and 522 g


To determine how much more the sack of sand weighs than the sack of yard clippings, you need to subtract the weight of the yard clippings sack from the weight of the sand sack.

First, convert the measurements to a standardized form. Since there are 1,000 grams in a kilogram, the weight of the sand sack can be expressed as 21 kilograms + 714 grams. Similarly, the weight of the yard clippings sack can be expressed as 7 kilograms + 192 grams.

Now, convert the grams to kilograms by dividing the values by 1,000.

The weight of the sand sack is 21.714 kilograms (21 kilograms + 714 grams divided by 1,000).
The weight of the yard clippings sack is 7.192 kilograms (7 kilograms + 192 grams divided by 1,000).

Finally, subtract the weight of the yard clippings sack from the weight of the sand sack:

21.714 kilograms - 7.192 kilograms = 14.522 kilograms.

Therefore, the sack of sand weighs 14.522 kilograms more than the sack of yard clippings.