having a hard time finding this information on google and i really need help for some questions.

What are 3 abiotic factors that influence the:

Highlands of Ethiopia
The Rockies
Pakistan and the Himalayas
Forests of Eastern China

Try searching here:


Use these search terms for 6 separate searches:
abiotic factors ethiopa
abiotic factors patagonia
abiotic factors rocky mountains
abiotic factors pakistan
abiotic factors himalayas
abiotic factors eastern china

Well, some abiotic factors in Ethiopia are:

Volcanoes (lava)
Sulfuric acid
In Patagonia:
Forests of China:


lava water and daddy

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble finding the information you need. I'm here to help you! Let's start by breaking down the process of finding information for each of the locations you mentioned.

1. Highlands of Ethiopia:
To find abiotic factors that influence the Highlands of Ethiopia, you can use specific search terms like "abiotic factors Highlands of Ethiopia" or "climate characteristics Highlands of Ethiopia." Additionally, you can focus on the geographical features, climate patterns, and soil composition of the region. Researching scientific articles, geographical surveys, or reliable educational websites will provide you with the necessary information.

2. Patagonia:
For abiotic factors influencing Patagonia, you can search for "abiotic factors Patagonia" or "environmental conditions Patagonia." Look for information about the region's climate, temperature, rainfall, wind patterns, elevation, and soil properties. Referencing scientific literature, ecological studies, or environmental organizations' websites can provide you with valuable insights.

3. The Rockies:
To find abiotic factors that influence the Rockies, you can search for "abiotic factors Rocky Mountains" or "physical characteristics Rockies." Focus on the region's altitude, temperature, precipitation, soil properties, and geological features. You can explore research papers, geological surveys, or official park websites for relevant details.

4. Pakistan and the Himalayas:
For abiotic factors influencing Pakistan and the Himalayas, you can search for "abiotic factors Himalayas" or "geographical characteristics Pakistan." Look for information on the region's climate, temperature, rainfall, elevation, soil types, and geological formations. Academic journals, geographical studies, or reliable sources about the Himalayas and Pakistan can help you find the necessary details.

5. Forests of Eastern China:
To discover abiotic factors that influence the forests of Eastern China, you can search for "abiotic factors Eastern China forests" or "ecosystem characteristics Eastern China forests." Look into the region's climate, temperature, rainfall, soil conditions, and other relevant factors. Scientific articles, forestry studies, or environmental research sources can provide useful information.

Remember, it's always important to cross-reference information from multiple reliable sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.