Could you please check these sentences?

Thank you very much.

1)Lady Macbeth doesn't display stereotyped female behaviour and poses.
2) Actually, she is not the complement to her husband but rather the driving force of the play.
3) She is even more ambitious than her husband. The three witches' prediction and Macbeth's ambition seem to be the instruments of her immense desire for power.
4) As a matter of fact, she often wishes she were a man. Macbeth himself observes that she is more of a man (if compared with himself/ or than himself?)

2. needs a comma

4. ... observes that she is more of a man than he is.

Sure! I can check these sentences for you. Here are the corrections:

1) Lady Macbeth doesn't conform to stereotyped female behavior and roles.
- This sentence is fine, but I changed "poses" to "roles" to be more clear.

2) In fact, she is not the complement to her husband but rather the driving force of the play.
- I replaced "actually" with "in fact" for better sentence flow.

3) She is even more ambitious than her husband. The three witches' prediction and Macbeth's ambition seem to fuel her immense desire for power.
- I rephrased the second part of the sentence for clarity.

4) As a matter of fact, she often wishes she were a man. Macbeth himself observes that she is more of a man than himself.
- I changed "if compared with himself/ or than himself?" to "than himself" for better sentence structure.

Overall, these sentences are clear and convey the intended meaning. Great job!