find the ionization energy of I-, I, and I+

I know you have to use E= hc/lambda, and c=lambda x v, but how do i get v?

i need help

To find the ionization energy of an atom or ion, you don't need to calculate the velocity (v) directly. Instead, you can use the Rydberg formula, which relates the ionization energy to the wavelength (lambda) of the photon absorbed or emitted during the ionization process.

The Rydberg formula is as follows:
1/λ = R * (1/n_initial^2 - 1/n_final^2)

- λ is the wavelength of the absorbed or emitted photon.
- R is the Rydberg constant (1.097 × 10^7 m^-1).
- n_initial is the principal quantum number of the initial state or energy level.
- n_final is the principal quantum number of the final state or energy level after ionization.

Given that the principal quantum number for the I- ion is 2 (n_initial = 2), I atom is 1 (n_initial = 1), and I+ ion is also 1 (n_initial = 1), we can calculate the ionization energy for each case.

1. I- ion:
For the iodide ion (I-), the final state is when it is an isolated iodine atom (I) after losing an electron. So, n_final = 1 in this case. By substituting the appropriate values into the Rydberg formula, you can solve for the wavelength (λ), and then use E = hc/λ to find the ionization energy.

2. I atom:
For the iodine atom (I), which is already neutral, the ionization energy will be the energy required to remove one electron from the atom, resulting in a positively charged ion (I+). In this case, n_final = ∞ (since the electron is completely removed from the atom and is no longer bound). Again, substitute the values into the Rydberg formula, solve for λ, and then use E = hc/λ to find the ionization energy.

3. I+ ion:
For the iodine ion (I+), the final state is when it is an isolated iodine atom (I) after losing a second electron. So, n_final = 1 in this case. Apply the Rydberg formula, solve for λ, and then use E = hc/λ to find the ionization energy.

By following these steps, you can calculate the ionization energy for I-, I, and I+ using the provided formulas and values.