Did siblings in Salem live near eachother? If a brother was married, was his sister living with him or in another house?

During 1692

She would probably live in another house with her parents or with her husband.

Older unmarried women often lived with another family member.

Okay thank you very much. Do you know any websites that specify on small details during 1692 in Salem?

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If you have a question that is not answered in those sites, you could contact one of the museums linked in the last site.

Thank You

You're welcome.

To determine whether siblings in Salem lived near each other during a specific period in history, we can consult historical records, such as documents, letters, or diaries, from that time. Specifically focusing on the Salem area, we can research family histories, town records, or local archives, which may provide insights into how siblings lived in relation to each other.

Here are a few steps you can take to find this information:

1. Research primary sources: Start by searching for primary sources related to the time period and location you are interested in. This can include wills, property records, or census data. These sources may mention where siblings lived in relation to each other.

2. Consult family trees: If you are researching a specific family, look for existing family trees or genealogical records. These can provide information about sibling relationships and their living arrangements.

3. Analyze historical context: Consider the social norms and cultural practices of the time period you are researching. This can provide some general insights into living arrangements and familial proximity. For example, in some eras, it was common for extended family members to live in close proximity to each other, while in other periods, siblings may have lived separately due to factors like marriage or economic considerations.

4. Explore local historical societies or libraries: Contact local historical societies, libraries, or archives in the Salem area. They may have records, maps, or documents that shed light on the living arrangements of siblings during the historical period that interests you.

5. Engage with experienced historians or genealogists: Seek assistance from historians or genealogists who specialize in the Salem area or the time period you are researching. They may have access to resources or knowledge that can help you in understanding sibling relationships and living arrangements.

Remember, this information may not be readily available or accurately documented for every sibling in Salem during the specified period. It may require thorough research and piecing together different sources to formulate a clearer picture of how siblings lived in relation to each other.