Who invented the computer ????

As is true of many inventions, the computer had many inventors. Check this out.


the first one but thx

The invention of the computer was a result of the work and contributions of several individuals in different fields. It is difficult to attribute the invention to a single person. However, if we talk about the concept of a programmable computer, often recognized as the first modern computer, it was developed by British mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage.

Babbage's design, called the Difference Engine, laid the foundation for the development of computer technology. He later worked on the Analytical Engine, an even more ambitious project that included many features of a modern computer, such as a control unit, memory, input/output devices, and the ability to execute instructions. Although Babbage never completed the construction of these machines during his lifetime, his work had a significant impact on the later development of computers.

It is also worth mentioning that there were other notable contributors to the development of computers, such as Ada Lovelace, who wrote programs for Babbage's Analytical Engine and is considered by many as the world's first computer programmer. Additionally, several inventors and engineers made important contributions in the following years, leading to the development of various computer technologies and the birth of the digital age.