What are constants? Please give me an example...

Constants are things that never change or aren't changed during experiments

BUT in math its A number with no variable

a constant is just a number, or a symbol for a value that does not change.

Variables, on the other hand, can assume any value as needed.

For example, if an item costs 2 dollars, then if you buy n items, you will spend
2n dollars. 2 is a constant. the price will not change. The number of items you buy may change depending on circumstances.

Notation conventions generally use letters early in the alphabet for constants (a-n) and later letters (p-z) for variables. So, if you see an equation like

y = 3kx + 4

it usually means the k is an unknown fixed value (constant), and x is a variable. x is independent, meaning you can choose any value you want, and y is dependent, in the sense that once x is chosen, you can obtain the value for y by multiplying x by 3k and adding 4. We may not know at once just what k's value is, but it will not change, no matter which value we choose for x.

Constants are values that do not change throughout the program's execution. They are used to store fixed values that are not meant to be modified.

For example, in programming languages like Python, you can declare a constant using the keyword `const` or by convention, using all uppercase letters and underscores to separate words.

Here's an example:
const PI = 3.14159
In this example, `PI` is a constant that holds the value of Pi (approximately 3.14159). Once assigned, the value of `PI` cannot be changed throughout the program.

Using constants can make your code more readable and maintainable, as it gives a clear indication that a particular value should not be modified.