a runner time in the 100 meter dash is 32second when rounded to the nearest whole number. Name the fastest and slowest time in decimal to hundredths.

Any number from 31.50 to 32.49 will round to 32.

The real question is: Is this a one-legged runner? In the real world, the time for a 100m dash is around 10 seconds!

To find the fastest and slowest time in decimal to hundredths, we need to consider the range of possible times when rounded to the nearest whole number.

Since the runner's time is rounded to the nearest whole number, the actual time could be anywhere in the range between 31.5 seconds and 32.49 seconds.

The fastest time in decimal to hundredths would be 31.50 seconds. This is the lowest possible time in the range when rounded to two decimal places.

Similarly, the slowest time in decimal to hundredths would be 32.49 seconds. This is the highest possible time in the range when rounded to two decimal places.

So, the fastest time would be 31.50 seconds, and the slowest time would be 32.49 seconds.