how many faces does rectangular prism have? and How many vertices does rectangular prism have?

6 faces, 8 vertices and 12 edges

A rectangular prism has 6 faces.

To find the number of faces, we consider that a rectangular prism has 3 pairs of parallel faces. Each pair consists of two parallel rectangular faces.

A rectangular prism has 8 vertices.

To find the number of vertices, we consider that a rectangular prism has 8 corners, where three edges meet at each corner. Therefore, there are 8 vertices in a rectangular prism.

A rectangular prism is a three-dimensional shape that resembles a box. To determine the number of faces and vertices it has, we need to understand its structure.

To find the number of faces, we consider that a rectangular prism has six flat surfaces, or faces. These faces are all rectangles. To count them, we can visualize the shape and count each side. One way to do this is to imagine "unfolding" the rectangular prism into a net, which is a two-dimensional representation of its faces. By doing this, we can count the rectangles and determine that there are six faces.

To find the number of vertices, we consider that a vertex is where two or more edges meet. In a rectangular prism, each corner is a vertex. To count the vertices, we can visualize the shape again and count the number of corners. A rectangular prism has eight corners, meaning it has eight vertices.

In summary, a rectangular prism has 6 faces and 8 vertices.