I am not sure the solvent in this problem, as far as what you do when lining this problem up.

The math problem.....
Add 150 and 93.17. I don't know if I should be placing 150 at the first decimal or the second. I know I would usually do 150.00

but the 2nd decimal is confusing me. Thank you.

You're right. 150.00 + 93.17

The dot after the 17 is probably a eriod.

To add 150 and 93.17, you need to align the decimal points of the two numbers. In this case, since 150 is a whole number, you can consider it as 150.00 and then write it with the decimal point aligned to the rightmost position of the other number.

So, when lining up the numbers, it would look like this:

+ 93.17

Now, you can add the numbers column by column, starting from the rightmost column (the decimal column). Add the digits in that column, which in this case would be 0 + 7 = 7. Write down the 7 below the line in the decimal column.

Next, move to the next column (ones column), and add the digits in that column: 0 + 1 = 1. Write down the 1 below the line in the ones column.

Continue this process for the remaining columns:

+ 93.17

So, the sum of 150 and 93.17 is 243.17.

Remember to always align the decimal points when adding or subtracting numbers with decimal places. In this case, it is not necessary to add extra decimal places to a whole number like 150, but you can do so if it helps you visualize the alignment better.