Zeke and Drew are a couple of incoming freshmen hopefuls for the Ferrum basketball and football teams. They don't just want to have a shot at making the team; they feel they can be starters if they are well conditioned. Zeke is 6'7" and about 188 pds, and was a star on his HS basketball team as a power forward, and feels like he has the skills but may be not the build for his strength position. Drew is 5'10" and up to 235 pds now even though he was a skilled defensive back in HS, and he worries he may not have the agility for this position at ferrum. Neither young man would seem to have the prototype body for a position they are quite skilled in, but u are the new athletic trainer hired by the college to help their programs. In designing a training regimen for each; A) discuss the likely major muscle groups that Zeke and Drew respectively are going to have to work on in order to be physically prepared. B) Describe the manner by which u would advise them to conduct their training programs, so that they are peaking when practices begin (Drew: mid-Aug; Zeke: mid-Oct). C) Include a discussion of the three skeletal muscle types (oxidative and glycolytic-i.e. muscle energetics) which will ultimately determine the fate of both of these young men and their quest.

A) In order for Zeke to be physically prepared as a power forward, he will need to focus on developing the major muscle groups involved in basketball. These include:

1. Quadriceps: Zeke will need strong quadriceps muscles to power his jumps and defend against opponents. Exercises such as squats, lunges, and leg presses can help strengthen these muscles.

2. Hamstrings and Glutes: These muscles are important for explosive movements like sprinting and jumping. Exercises like deadlifts, hamstring curls, and hip thrusts can target these muscle groups.

3. Upper body: Zeke should also include exercises to strengthen his upper body, including his chest, shoulders, and back. Bench presses, shoulder presses, pull-ups, and rows can all be beneficial.

For Drew, as a defensive back in football, agility, speed, and overall strength are crucial. The major muscle groups he should focus on are:

1. Lower body: Drew will need strong leg muscles for quick movements and explosive speed. Exercises like squats, lunges, plyometric jumps, and agility ladder drills should be incorporated.

2. Core: A strong core is essential for stability and balance. Exercises like planks, Russian twists, and medicine ball throws can help strengthen the core muscles.

3. Upper body: Drew should also work on his upper body strength to help with tackling and defending against opponents. Push-ups, pull-ups, bench presses, and shoulder exercises can be included in his training program.

B) To advise Zeke and Drew on conducting their training programs for optimal results, I would suggest the following guidelines:

1. Progressive overload: They should gradually increase the intensity, duration, or complexity of their workouts over time. This will challenge their muscles and help them continually improve.

2. Vary training methods: Incorporating a mix of strength training, cardio exercises, and agility drills will help develop both power and endurance. This can include weightlifting, running, plyometrics, and sport-specific drills.

3. Rest and recovery: It's important to schedule rest days and incorporate adequate recovery time to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injuries. They should listen to their bodies and adjust the intensity and frequency of their workouts accordingly.

4. Proper nutrition: A balanced diet with sufficient protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is essential for muscle growth and energy. They should also stay hydrated and fuel their bodies with nutritious foods.

C) The three skeletal muscle types are oxidative, glycolytic, and intermediate fibers. The fate of Zeke and Drew in their quest will depend on these muscle types and their muscle energetics.

1. Oxidative fibers: These muscles are rich in mitochondria and have a high aerobic capacity. They are fatigue-resistant and are responsible for endurance activities. In basketball and football, oxidative fibers are essential for sustained running and maintaining energy throughout the game.

2. Glycolytic fibers: These muscle fibers generate energy through anaerobic glycolysis, which provides quick bursts of energy for intense activities like sprinting, jumping, and explosive movements. They are responsible for short bursts of power.

3. Intermediate fibers: These muscle fibers exhibit characteristics between oxidative and glycolytic fibers. They contribute to activities that require both endurance and power, such as maintaining a fast pace with intermittent bursts.

To optimize their performance, Zeke and Drew should train their muscles to adapt and excel in their respective sports by incorporating a combination of endurance-based exercises to improve oxidative fibers, explosive drills for glycolytic fibers, and a mixture of both for intermediate fibers. This will help them develop the necessary muscle energetics for their positions and excel in their training and competitions.