how many gallons would be left after 10 seconds?

To answer this question, we would need more context. Without knowing what is being measured or what is happening during these 10 seconds, it is impossible to determine the number of gallons that would be left.

However, if we assume that you are referring to the remaining volume of a liquid in a container that is being drained or poured out, you would need the initial volume of the liquid and the rate at which it is being emptied to calculate the remaining gallons after 10 seconds.

For example, if you have a container with 5 gallons of liquid and it is being emptied at a rate of 0.5 gallons per second, you would calculate the remaining gallons after 10 seconds by subtracting the amount being emptied from the initial volume:

Remaining gallons = Initial volume - (Rate of emptying x Time)

Remaining gallons = 5 gallons - (0.5 gallons/second x 10 seconds) = 5 gallons - 5 gallons = 0 gallons

Therefore, if the liquid is being emptied at a constant rate of 0.5 gallons per second, there would be 0 gallons left after 10 seconds.