Find the missing number.

5/15 = ?/3

Is 1 the correct answer?

5 / 15 = x / 3

5 * 3 = x * 15

15 = 15 x Divide both sides with 15

x = 1

5 / 15 = 1 / 3

I got the answer 1 by doing this...

15 divided by 3 = 5
5 divided by 5 = 1

Is that a wrong way to answer the problem?
That's the way my book shows.

That's the way I got the answer too. Thank you!!!

To find the missing number in the equation 5/15 = ?/3, we can set up a proportion.

First, cross multiply the fractions: 5 * 3 = 15 * ?.

This simplifies to 15 = 15 * ?.

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 15 to solve for the missing number:

15 / 15 = ? / 15.

Since anything divided by itself equals 1, we have ? = 1.

Therefore, the missing number in the equation is indeed 1.