why did colonia borders cause problems for new african nations?

A. they cut them off from important resorces
B. They created countries that were too small for their populations
C. they forced people together from different ethinic groups
D. they stopped herders from migrating with their animals
I got c


Thanks :)

You're welcome.

The correct answer is C. They forced people together from different ethnic groups.

Colonial borders in Africa were primarily drawn by European colonial powers during the Scramble for Africa in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These borders often did not align with pre-existing ethnic or cultural boundaries within Africa. As a result, colonial borders often forced people from different ethnic groups to live together within the same country.

This led to numerous problems for newly independent African nations. The forced coexistence of different ethnic groups within these artificial borders created tensions and conflicts over political power, resources, and cultural differences. Ethnic rivalries, which had been suppressed under colonial rule, resurfaced and led to a variety of issues such as internal conflicts, civil wars, and even genocide in some cases.

To arrive at the correct answer, it was important to understand the historical context and the consequences of colonialism on African nations. Analyzing the impact of colonial borders on ethnic diversity and the resulting conflicts helps in identifying the most suitable answer.