why do many companies find increasing and managing diversity to be difficult challenges

Possibly any conflicts they bump into between 1)finding the most qualified applicants for specific positions and 2) meeting some quota (even if it's self-imposed). Read widely here:


... and here:

Many companies find increasing and managing diversity to be difficult challenges for several reasons:

1. Bias and Discrimination: Companies may struggle with diversity because of biases and discrimination that exist within their workforce. These biases can be conscious or unconscious, leading to unfair treatment, lack of representation, and limited access to opportunities for underrepresented groups.

2. Lack of Inclusive Culture: Building an inclusive culture where all employees feel valued, respected, and included is crucial for effective diversity management. However, many organizations fail to create such an environment, hindering their efforts to attract and retain a diverse workforce.

3. Unconscious Bias: Unconscious bias refers to the subtle prejudices and stereotypes that people hold unconsciously. These biases can influence decisions related to hiring, promotions, and work assignments, unintentionally favoring certain groups and inhibiting diversity efforts.

4. Recruitment and Retention: Finding diverse talent is a challenge for many companies due to various factors, such as limited outreach to underrepresented communities, lack of diversity in recruitment pipelines, and biased selection processes. Additionally, retaining diverse employees can be difficult if they do not feel included or are not given equal opportunities for growth and development.

5. Resistance to Change: Implementing diversity initiatives often requires significant changes in policies, practices, and organizational culture. Companies may face resistance from employees who are resistant to change or fear loss of privilege or power, leading to a slower adoption of diversity and inclusion initiatives.

To address these challenges, companies should focus on:

1. Raising Awareness and Training: Conducting diversity and unconscious bias training programs can help employees recognize and overcome their biases, fostering a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

2. Building an Inclusive Culture: Companies should promote inclusivity by implementing policies and practices that support diversity, creating employee resource groups, establishing mentorship programs, and providing opportunities for all employees to have a voice.

3. Actively Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Talent: Organizations should expand their recruitment efforts to target underrepresented communities, diversify their talent pipelines, and ensure fair and objective hiring and promotion processes. Offering equitable opportunities for professional growth and development is also critical for retaining a diverse workforce.

4. Accountability and Measurement: Setting clear diversity goals, tracking progress, and holding leadership accountable for achieving diversity and inclusion objectives can help drive change within the organization.

Overall, increasing and managing diversity requires a comprehensive, ongoing effort to address biases, create an inclusive culture, and implement inclusive policies and practices throughout the organization.