ratio 3 to 5 mixed 20 oz?

Please clarify your question.

since the ratio is 3:5, separate 20 into 8 parts of 2.5 each. One quantity is 3 of those parts, the other is 5.

7.5:12.5 is the ration of 3:5 that totals to 20.

To find the amount corresponding to a ratio, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the ratio. The given ratio is 3 to 5. This means that for every 3 parts of the first quantity, there are 5 parts of the second quantity.

Step 2: Determine a common factor. In this case, the common factor is 3. By multiplying both parts of the ratio by the common factor, we get a new ratio of 9 to 15.

Step 3: Calculate the total parts. The total parts in this case is 9 + 15 = 24.

Step 4: Divide the total amount by the total parts. To find the amount corresponding to each part of the ratio, divide the given mixed amount (20 oz) by the total parts (24).

20 oz ÷ 24 = 0.8333 oz per part

Step 5: Multiply the amount per part by the desired part of the ratio. To find the amount corresponding to the first part of the ratio (3), multiply the amount per part by 3.

0.8333 oz × 3 = 2.5 oz

Therefore, the corresponding amount for a ratio of 3 to 5 with a mixed amount of 20 oz is 2.5 oz.