how do you find the greatest common factor of 44,47


since 47 is a prime number, the GCF = 1

To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of two numbers, such as 44 and 47, you can use a method called prime factorization. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start by finding the prime factors of each number. A prime factor is a prime number that divides the given number evenly without any remainder.
- The prime factors of 44 are 2 and 11. This can be found by dividing 44 by the smallest prime number (2), and then dividing the result by another prime number (in this case, 2) until you can't divide anymore.
- 44 ÷ 2 = 22
- 22 ÷ 2 = 11
- The prime factors of 47 are only 47 itself, as 47 is a prime number.

2. Now, list the common prime factors of the two numbers.
- In this case, there are no common prime factors because 44 has prime factors of 2 and 11, while 47 is only divisible by itself (47).

3. As there are no common prime factors, the GCF of 44 and 47 is 1. In other words, they are relatively prime or co-prime.

So, the GCF of 44 and 47 is 1.