Wendy is a randomly chosen member of a large female population, in which 13% are pregnant. Wendy tests positive in a pregnancy test. Pregnancy test correctly identifies pregnancy 91% of the time and correctly identifies non pregnancy 95% of the time. What is the probability that Wendy is pregnant given the positive test result ?

Why wouldn't it be .91?

To calculate the probability that Wendy is pregnant given the positive test result, we can use Bayes' theorem. Bayes' theorem states that the probability of an event A given that event B has occurred is equal to the probability of event B given that event A has occurred, multiplied by the probability of event A occurring, divided by the probability of event B occurring.

Let's break down the given information:

P(Wendy is pregnant) = 13% = 0.13
P(Wendy is not pregnant) = 1 - P(Wendy is pregnant) = 1 - 0.13 = 0.87

P(Positive test | Wendy is pregnant) = 91% = 0.91
P(Negative test | Wendy is not pregnant) = 95% = 0.95

We are looking for P(Wendy is pregnant | Positive test), which is the probability that Wendy is pregnant given a positive test result.

Now, let's calculate the probability using Bayes' theorem:

P(Wendy is pregnant | Positive test) = (P(Positive test | Wendy is pregnant) * P(Wendy is pregnant)) / P(Positive test)

To find P(Positive test), we need to consider the probabilities of getting a positive test result in both the pregnant and non-pregnant populations:

P(Positive test) = (P(Positive test | Wendy is pregnant) * P(Wendy is pregnant)) + (P(Positive test | Wendy is not pregnant) * P(Wendy is not pregnant))

Substituting the given values into the equation:

P(Positive test) = (0.91 * 0.13) + (0.05 * 0.87)
P(Positive test) = 0.1183 + 0.0435
P(Positive test) = 0.1618

Now, we can substitute this value into the original equation to calculate the probability that Wendy is pregnant given the positive test result:

P(Wendy is pregnant | Positive test) = (0.91 * 0.13) / 0.1618

Calculating this expression:

P(Wendy is pregnant | Positive test) = 0.1183 / 0.1618
P(Wendy is pregnant | Positive test) ≈ 0.729

Therefore, the probability that Wendy is pregnant given the positive test result is approximately 0.729, or 72.9%.