The trail is 2989 miles long. It begins in City A and ends in City B. Manfred has hiked 2/7 of the trail before. How many miles has he hiked?

(2/7) * 2989/1 = ?



To find out how many miles Manfred has hiked, we can calculate the fraction of the trail he has covered, and then multiply it by the total length of the trail.

Manfred has hiked 2/7 of the trail, so to find the number of miles he has hiked, we can calculate:

(2/7) * 2989

To perform this calculation, we multiply the numerators (2) and (2989) together, and then divide by the denominators (7).


(2/7) * 2989 = (2*2989)/7

We can simplify this further by multiplying the numerator (2) with the trail's length (2989) first, then dividing the result by the denominator (7).


(2 * 2989) / 7 = 5978 / 7

To get an exact answer, we can divide 5978 by 7 using long division:

855 remainder 3
7 | 5 9 7 8
- 5 9 1
- 84

So, Manfred has hiked 855 miles of the trail.