How many grams of a 250- g sample of thorium - 234 would remain after 40 days had passed?

How many days would pass while 44 g of thorium -234 decayed to 4.4 g of thorium - 234?

To calculate the remaining grams of thorium-234 after 40 days, we need to determine the half-life of thorium-234 and use the radioactive decay formula.

The half-life of thorium-234 is approximately 24.1 days. This means that after 24.1 days, half of the thorium-234 will have decayed.

Now, we need to calculate the number of half-lives that have occurred in 40 days. We can do this by dividing the number of days by the half-life:

Number of half-lives = 40 days / 24.1 days

Next, we calculate the remaining fraction of thorium-234:

Remaining fraction = (1/2)^(Number of half-lives)

Finally, we multiply the remaining fraction by the initial sample mass of 250 grams to find the remaining grams:

Remaining grams = Remaining fraction * Initial sample mass

Let's calculate the remaining grams step by step:

Number of half-lives = 40 days / 24.1 days = 1.66

Remaining fraction = (1/2)^(1.66) ≈ 0.467

Remaining grams = 0.467 * 250 grams

Therefore, after 40 days had passed, approximately 116.75 grams of the 250-gram sample of thorium-234 would remain.

To determine how many grams of thorium-234 would remain after 40 days, you need to understand the concept of radioactive decay and use the decay equation. The decay of thorium-234 follows an exponential decay equation.

The decay equation is given by:
N(t) = N₀ * e^(-λt)

N(t) is the amount of the radioactive substance remaining after time t,
N₀ is the initial amount of the radioactive substance,
e is the base of the natural logarithm (approximately 2.71828), and
λ is the decay constant.

For thorium-234, the decay constant (λ) is approximately 4.908 × 10^(-6) per day.

Initially, you have a 250-gram sample of thorium-234 (N₀ = 250 g), and you want to find N(40), the amount remaining after 40 days.

Plug in the values into the decay equation:
N(40) = 250 * e^(-4.908 × 10^(-6) * 40)

Calculating this equation will give you the amount of thorium-234 left after 40 days.

k = 0.693/t1/2

ln(No/N) = kt
No = 44g
N = 4.4 g
k from above
solve for t.