describe and compare total resource use per capita in developed and developing countries

To describe and compare total resource use per capita in developed and developing countries, we need to gather data on resource consumption and population for different countries in each category. Here's how you can go about getting this information:

1. Identify reliable sources: Look for reputable international organizations, such as the World Bank, United Nations, or International Energy Agency, that provide data on resource use and population statistics. Their websites often contain extensive databases or reports on various indicators.

2. Determine the time frame: Decide on a specific time frame for comparison, such as the most recent year or a specific range of years. This will ensure the data is consistent and up to date.

3. Define "developed" and "developing": Keep in mind that categorizing countries as "developed" or "developing" is subjective and varies across different classifications. You could use the World Bank's income group classifications where high-income economies represent developed countries and middle-income or low-income economies represent developing countries.

4. Gather resource use data: Look for data on different types of resources like energy, water, minerals, or carbon emissions. This information can be found in specific reports or databases related to each resource. For example, energy consumption data can be obtained from the International Energy Agency's World Energy Outlook report.

5. Collect population data: Access data on population sizes for each country in the time frame chosen. This information is commonly available from international organizations like the United Nations or national statistical agencies.

6. Calculate per capita resource use: Divide the total resource use of each country by its population to obtain the per capita resource use. This will provide a measure of how much of a particular resource is used on average by each citizen. Use the same unit of measurement for all countries to ensure accurate comparisons.

7. Analyze and compare: Once you have gathered the per capita resource use data for developed and developing countries, you can analyze and compare the results. Look for patterns, trends, and significant differences between the two groups. Assessing the data may involve creating charts, graphs, or conducting statistical analysis for a comprehensive understanding.

By following these steps, you can describe and compare the total resource use per capita in developed and developing countries based on accurate and verified data.